DSC and DSC Foundation Grant Total Surpasses $5 Million

23 Jun

DALLAS – Over the last five years, DSC and the DSC Foundation have granted more than $5 million for wildlife conservation, public education and hunter advocacy causes worldwide. Grants for the fiscal year of 2015-2016 came to well over $1 million.

For four straight years, DSC has granted over $1 million in grants for important projects, in keeping with its vision as a society that values wildlife, engages in its conservation and understands and supports the role of well-regulated hunting in the sustainable use of wild resources. 
Funded projects range from lobbying Congress for beneficial legislation and bolstering anti-poaching efforts and assisting orphaned rhinos in Africa to renewing life insurance policies for game wardens in Texas. 
DSC generates most of these funds from the annual DSC Convention and Sporting Expo held each January. The 2017 event is slated Jan. 5-8 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas. 
“With the popularity and success of our annual convention, we are able to provide financial assistance to our DSC Foundation, as well as to groups who are on the front lines of wildlife conservation, education and hunter advocacy. These funds go directly to people who are making a difference for wildlife and ensuring the future of hunting worldwide,” said Ben Carter, DSC executive director.
A brief short list of groups funded by DSC and DSC Foundation:
  • Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
  • Guide Outfitters Association of British Columbia
  • National Wild Turkey Federation
  • Conservation Force
  • Hunters for the Hungry
  • International Professional Hunter’s Association
  • NRA Institute for Legislative Action
  • Operation Game Thief
  • The Wildlife Society, Inc.
  • Zimbabwe Professional Hunters & Guides Association
  • Park Cities Quail 
  • Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
  • Wildlife Management Institute
  • Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
  • Texas Outdoor Writers Association, Inc.
  • Tread Lightly!, Inc.
  • Namibia Professional Hunters Association
  • Conservation Visions Inc.
  • Delta Waterfowl
About DSC (Dallas Safari Club)
A member of IUCN, DSC is a mission-focused conservation organization, funded by hunters from around the world. With an administrative staff of less than 15 and a volunteer army of 500, DSC hosts the Greatest Hunters Convention on the Planet™ that raises funds for grants in conservation, outdoor education and hunter advocacy. In the past five years, more than $5 million has been channeled to qualified projects, organizations and programs in support of that mission. Get involved with DSC at www.biggame.org.